I’ve wanted a vibrant office for a long time. Something that wakes me up in the morning.
We moved into our house around a year and half ago, and most of the walls had been painted a pale bluish off-white. It was the kind of colour I’d pick if I was trying to depress somebody, but to each their own.
It didn’t work for me. My office is an extension on the ground floor at the back of the house. It has a lovely view of the garden and some French doors to the side, but it doesn’t get much direction sunlight except very early in the morning.
I put up with it for over a year, especially given that my office had become a sort of dumping ground for all the things we hadn’t found a home for yet. But my partner encouraged me to push all the crap into the loft, and start working on making the office my own.

I picked a colour called ‘orange fizz’. Exactly what I needed.
It still needs some curtains and other finishing touches, but it’s miles apart from where it started.
It’s too early to tell whether it’s made me more creative, but I feel far more comfortable in the space. It’s mine, and it certainly isn’t boring.