This Monday, Austin Kleon is releasing an interview with Oliver Burkeman. Two of my favourite creative voices in one conversation. Some of the best books I read last year were Kleon’s trio of books, and Burkeman’s recent book Four Thousand Weeks. One to watch. I also subscribe to Burkeman’s twice-monthly newsletter The Imperfectionist, which I […]
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A few weeks ago, Brandon Sanderson posted a video that was almost perfect clickbait. If you don’t want anything spoiled, watch the video before reading on. Spoiler alert It turns out it’s not a confessional, but an announcement of a bold plan. For anyone unfamiliar with Sanderson: he’s a prolific high fantasy writer. He writes […]
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Like millions of other people, I would have Neil Gaiman’s babies (we’d sort out the mechanics). His world-renown literary works aside, he also gives a bloody good interview. Tim Ferriss recently reposted a 90-minute chat they had a few years ago. I recommend listening to the whole thing, and any other Gaiman interview you can […]
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I haven’t posted since November. A lot’s happened since then, including a new job and a downpayment on our first house. I’ve spent a lot of that time editing, rather than writing. I’ve focused on my backlog of short stories, dusting them off and buffing them until they’re like glass. The oldest of the stories […]
[Continue reading] about Buff and rebuffScheduled Interruption for November ’21
Posts here on the blog and issues of my newsletter, Sluice, will be on a looser schedule for the next month. I’ve been working on the final draft of my book, The Wind That Carried Us, for several weeks. I’ve never participated in a NaNoWriMo before, because I’m usually writing most of the year anyway. […]
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