(This post was inspired by similar posts over at Aeryn Rudel’s excellent site, Rejectomancy. I recommended his articles about his writing journey—and his cool stories, of course.) 2023 was the first year I put serious effort into submitting short stories to markets for publication. I had sent out the odd sub every other year since […]
[Continue reading] about Story Submissions in 2023Vision vs What Appears on the Page
TL;DR: Confident in a story I intended to submit to a prestigious market, I sent it out to beta readers for a final glance-over. One reader ever so politely informed me that it was a steaming pile of crap, and they were totally right. Lesson: your vision often disagrees with what you actually wrote, sometimes […]
[Continue reading] about Vision vs What Appears on the PageUpcoming story: Empty Nest, published by Dreamforge Anvil
I’m delighted to say that I’ve recently signed a contract with Dreamforge for my short story “Empty Nest”. The story will feature in their 2024 double-issue on “uplift“. What’s it about? Androids, genetic engineering and cuttlefish. Sort of. I enjoyed writing this story more than most, and I’m proud to see it find a home […]
[Continue reading] about Upcoming story: Empty Nest, published by Dreamforge AnvilNew story: Rusty Sue, published by Drabblecast
I have a new short story, “Rusty Sue“, just published over at Drabblecast. Drabblecast features stories on the weirder side of speculative fiction, and they regularly produce podcast episodes each month featuring a new story. Rusty Sue is available in audio and print formats, and features as part of Drabblecast’s run of “Weird West” stories.
[Continue reading] about New story: Rusty Sue, published by DrabblecastTop Science Papers Ever
I stumbled across this webpage put together by Nature, listing the top 100 science papers of all time. There’s a great interactive tool that lets you cycle through the papers and see graphs of their citations per year. There are tens of millions of papers on the record. Only around 15,000 papers have ever been […]
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