One of the most down-to-earth talks on finding time for creativity that I’ve ever seen. Just short of ten minutes but he covers a lot of territory, from his life in the arts to the deeper meaning of creative pursuits for society and personal growth.
[Continue reading] about Ethan Hawke on CreativityWiggling Through by Subtle Manoeuvres
Time is short, my strength is limited, the office is a horror, the apartment is noisy, and if a pleasant, straightforward life it not possible then one must try to wiggle through by subtle manoeuvres. Franz Kafka, quote via Daily Rituals by Mason Currey Kafka’s words, on trying to organise his life around his writing. […]
[Continue reading] about Wiggling Through by Subtle ManoeuvresCreative Hiatus for Rest
Bill Hayes put out an article at LitHub in January: The Rest Principle: On the Necessity of Recovery, in Fitness and Writing. Taking a course for personal trainers while researching a book on exercise, the critical value of rest in making gains really hit him. He talks about a gap in his writing career: In […]
[Continue reading] about Creative Hiatus for RestReal Boys and Xenomorphs
Alien is my favourite film. It’s horror at its finest: based on suspense and dramatic tension and dark mystique (the latter thanks to H. R. Giger‘s infamous design for the sets and the eponymous alien). The jump-scare is barely present. Like Jaws, the fear comes from not seeing the monster, only knowing it’s hiding somewhere […]
[Continue reading] about Real Boys and XenomorphsH is for Hawk: when words fly
I recently finished H is for Hawk by Helen MacDonald. It’s a stunner. I’ve read a lot of non-fiction books lately where you initially wonder how a publisher ended up green-lighting the book. Somebody’s dad dies to they buy a hawk and try to train it? I mean, okay, sounds a bit off-the-wall, but I’ll […]
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